- Arab-al-quran-wa-tafseer Urdu Pdf
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Quran with Tafseer 1.0 is used to read and learn the Holy Quran in Arabic, Urdu and English Languages with five Translations and four Tafseer, all bundled together in one easy to use and small size of application. The software is equippedwith a web type user interface for ease of use and provided Tafseer text with show-hide functionality also. Ahkam al-Bismillah Ki Tafseer Masail wa-Ahkam احکام البسملہ کی تفسیر مسائل و احکام. Abu Muhammad Badiuddin Shah Rashidi.
Suicide Hotline: Our phone and chat is LIVE 24 hours a day for preventinganyone from committing suicide. If you plan to do it yourself or know someonewho might harm himself or herself, pls. call right away at+1-407-434-1786. If you opt to stay anonymous, you can add our Yahoo/Skype ID 'aatayyab'to chat online. You are welcome to read Quranic Verses and Ahadith mentioned inSuicide Section as well.
Questions & Answers: Asmajority of you are keen to ask a question, you can E-Mailme at . Please note that I am NOT a Muslim Scholar and I will refer your question to other certified Scholars to find out the answer and get back to you. Any of my answers or comments are NOT binding upon you to accept or reject. Jazak Allah (swt) for seeking TRUTH here!
Arab-al-quran-wa-tafseer Urdu Pdf
Arab-al-quran-wa-tafseer Urdu Pdf Free
No Donations: As per the above-mentioned Quranic Verses, we don't seek anyfinancial help or donations. If you find anyone seeking any donations orasking money representing this website, please REPORT right away viaphone or E-mail.
For the purpose of making this website universal, it belongs to no sectarian differences between Muslims as per Quranic verses and Ahadith mentioned at Frequently Asked Question / Answer about Sectarian Divide in Islam . If you find any error or problem in this website,please Contact me. If I am not alive, pleasecontact other team-members of Qurango.com and pray for me. May ourCreator Allah (swt) guide you and me towards right path. Ameen!
Quran with Tafseer 1.0 is used to read and learn the Holy Quran in Arabic, Urdu and English Languages with five Translations and four Tafseer, all bundled together in one easy to use and small size of application. The software is equippedwith a web type user interface for ease of use and provided Tafseer text with show-hide functionality also. Ahkam al-Bismillah Ki Tafseer Masail wa-Ahkam احکام البسملہ کی تفسیر مسائل و احکام. Abu Muhammad Badiuddin Shah Rashidi.
Suicide Hotline: Our phone and chat is LIVE 24 hours a day for preventinganyone from committing suicide. If you plan to do it yourself or know someonewho might harm himself or herself, pls. call right away at+1-407-434-1786. If you opt to stay anonymous, you can add our Yahoo/Skype ID 'aatayyab'to chat online. You are welcome to read Quranic Verses and Ahadith mentioned inSuicide Section as well.
Questions & Answers: Asmajority of you are keen to ask a question, you can E-Mailme at . Please note that I am NOT a Muslim Scholar and I will refer your question to other certified Scholars to find out the answer and get back to you. Any of my answers or comments are NOT binding upon you to accept or reject. Jazak Allah (swt) for seeking TRUTH here!
Arab-al-quran-wa-tafseer Urdu Pdf
Arab-al-quran-wa-tafseer Urdu Pdf Free
No Donations: As per the above-mentioned Quranic Verses, we don't seek anyfinancial help or donations. If you find anyone seeking any donations orasking money representing this website, please REPORT right away viaphone or E-mail.
For the purpose of making this website universal, it belongs to no sectarian differences between Muslims as per Quranic verses and Ahadith mentioned at Frequently Asked Question / Answer about Sectarian Divide in Islam . If you find any error or problem in this website,please Contact me. If I am not alive, pleasecontact other team-members of Qurango.com and pray for me. May ourCreator Allah (swt) guide you and me towards right path. Ameen!
Before you begin, please make sure you have performed ablution ortaken bath and are dressed in clean clothes.
Amir Ali Tayyab
Ph +1-407-434-1786
Skype/Yahoo: aatayyab
Arab-al-quran-wa-tafseer Urdu Pdf Download
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